
A detailed summary of all the features for ShipRapid

Why SvelteKit

It’s the framework you’ve been waiting for to create lightning-fast web applications with the simplicity and elegance of traditional web technologies.

While some other frameworks rely on a virtual DOM, SvelteKit compiles your components into highly efficient JavaScript at build time. This means smaller bundle sizes and lightning-fast load times, ensuring a snappy user experience.

You’ll fall in love with the templating system that is so intuitive you’ll think HTML, CSS, and JS should always have been so.

It seamlessly integrates SSR into your application, ensuring both speed and SEO-friendliness.

We’ve gone the extra mile by integrating SvelteKit with TypeScript . This choice enhances not only the stability of your application but also its scalability.

Easy Authentication with Stytch

Our template is integrated with Stytch for authentication. It is the ideal choice for a startup that values flexibility, security, and a hassle-free testing environment.


We’ve made it even easier for you by including two highly convenient authentication methods right out of the box:

  1. Google OAuth: Users can quickly log in or sign up using their Google accounts, enhancing the user experience and reducing friction during onboarding.
  2. MagicLink: Say goodbye to password-related hassles. MagicLink is a secure and user-friendly authentication method. Users receive a link via email, click it, and they’re in. It’s a game-changer for quick and secure access.

You are not limited to just these; when the time is right you can easily expand to other providers like Facebook, Apple, or GitHub and many more . If ever your startup needs it (we hope so!) you can even expand to OTP , WebAuthn , M2M !

The testing process does not require a credit card during the test environment, allowing you to experiment and fine-tune your authentication methods without financial constraints.

Server-Side Renderer Dashboard

Our template comes with a Server-Side Rendering (SSR) dashboard. This powerful feature enables you to serve dynamic content efficiently and boost your application’s performance.

We’ve taken security seriously. The template includes a robust system for protected routes and endpoints. You can ensure that only authorized users access sensitive parts of your application.

Efficient Payment Processing with Stripe

Our template lays a solid foundation for processing transactions efficiently. What sets it apart is the pre-integrated Stripe webhook, which offers a valuable head start in payment management. You don’t have to begin from scratch; instead, you can build upon this foundation to expand and enhance your payment system.

As with Stytch, the testing environment for the Stripe webhook also doesn’t require any credit card, providing a hassle-free and cost-effective space for you to experiment and fine-tune your payment processes.

Database Foundation

Our database of choice is MongoDB , a powerful and flexible NoSQL database. For enhanced convenience and structure, we’ve paired MongoDB with Mongoose , a robust ODM (Object Data Modeling) library for Node.js.

It’s thoughtfully integrated with other essential components, authentication and payments .

We’ve streamlined your local development setup. With just a simple docker-compose command, you can have your MongoDB environment up and running, ready for testing and development. We’ve included an admin panel to make your local development experience even more convenient.

Powerful Static Site Generation (SSG)

Our template takes advantage of the robust SvelteKit functionalities to offer an efficient and flexible Static Site Generation (SSG) mechanism.

Creating and managing content is a breeze. You only need to add a markdown file to the content folder, and our system transforms it into SEO-optimized HTML. The best part is, the nesting in the filesystem is mirrored in the URL, ensuring a clear and structured website hierarchy.

You’re not limited to static pages. Thanks to mdsvex , you can inject Svelte components and logic directly into your markdown files. This opens up a world of possibilities, allowing you to create dynamic documentation, engaging blogs, or any other content you can imagine.

SEO Batteries Included

When it comes to SEO, we’ve got you covered. Our template includes a comprehensive set of features to boost your website’s search engine visibility:

  • Meta Tags: We’ve taken care of all the main meta tags, including Open Graph (OG) metatags and Twitter metatags. These ensure that your content is displayed optimally when shared on social media platforms.
  • robots.txt: This file guides web crawlers on how to interact with your site, enhancing your site’s visibility and control over search engine indexing.
  • Sitemap Dynamic Generation: We’ve automated the generation of a sitemap.xml file. This is an essential tool for search engines to understand the structure of your website, making it easier for your content to be indexed.

Stylish Design with TailwindCSS

Our template is designed with style in mind, thanks to TailwindCSS . But it doesn’t stop there – we’ve enhanced it further with DaisyUI , guaranteeing speed, consistency, and a wide range of ready-to-use components.

  • 20 Ready-Made Themes: Choose from a selection of 20 distinct themes to effortlessly match your website’s style to your brand. Customizing your theme is easy too.
  • Light and Dark Mode: Stay in tune with modern design trends by offering both light and dark mode options to cater to your users’ preferences.
  • Optimized Components: Our components are meticulously designed not just for aesthetics but also for performance. Whenever possible, we offload computation to CSS, ensuring a snappy user experience. They are also optimized for responsiveness across all screen sizes, guaranteeing a consistent and engaging design.